Privacy Policy

Accelera belongs to Gerard Blanco Capell, hereinafter referred to as “Accelera”, “we”, “us” or “our”. Accelera respects your privacy rights and recognizes the importance of protecting the Personal Data (as defined below) you provide to us.

Our Privacy Policy is designed to help the User understand the types of information we collect through the Services, how the Organization utilizes it, and the choices available to you. We encourage the User to carefully read this Privacy Policy and use it to make informed decisions. By utilizing our Services, the User agrees to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy, and your continued use of the Services constitutes your ongoing agreement to abide by the Privacy Policy.

The data controller of the processing of personal data through the website (the “Website”) is Gerard Blanco Capell and can be contacted at

1. General information


By using the Website, you acknowledge that you have read this Privacy Policy and that you understand the practices described herein with respect to Accelera’s processing of your Personal Data. In addition, if you purchase a product or service from the Website, you expressly declare that you have accepted the terms of this Privacy Policy. This is the entire and exclusive Privacy Policy of Accelera and supersedes all prior versions.

Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC – the GDPR – is the European law that regulates the data protection processing operations performed through the Website.

Terms used in this document

  • “User/you”: the individual or entity who purchases any service from Accelera;
  • “Visitor”: the individual or entity who visits the Website without purchasing any service from Accelera;
  • “Third Parties”: other companies and the services they provide to us.
  • “Data Subject”: any identified or identifiable, directly or indirectly, natural person. The Users and Visitors defined above may act as Data Subjects if they are an identified or identifiable natural person.
  • “Processor”: the entity acting under the authority and instructions of the controller. For example, Accelera acts as a Processor for our Users defined above.
  • “Personal Data”: any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. This includes, for example, details such as name, postal address, e-mail address or telephone number, but also usage data such as your IP address.
  • “Processing”: any operation or set of operations, performed with or without automated assistance, related to Personal Data, such as obtaining, capturing, organizing, ordering, saving, adjusting or modifying, sorting, accessing, using, disclosing by transmission, distributing or any other form of making available, comparing or connecting, limiting, deleting or destroying.

We process all Personal Data in accordance with GDPR principles, as follows:

  • “Lawfulness, fairness and transparency”: the Personal Data is Processed fairly in relation to the Data Subject, based on a legal basis provided by GDPR at art. 6, and the Data Subject is informed on the Processing as requested by art. 13 and art. 14 GDPR.
  • “Purpose limitation”: the purpose for which we Process the Personal Data is specific, explicit, and legitimate. We do not collect and use data for other purposes than the ones we informed the Data Subject about.
  • “Data minimization”: we Process the minimum amount of Personal Data we need; the personal data we collect are adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are Processed.
  • “Accuracy”: the Personal Data Processed is accurate and where necessary kept up to date. We do not retain old and outdated data in our system.
  • “Storage limitation”: we established and documented the necessary retention period for the Personal Data we collect and Process for specific objectives. After the retention period is met, the Personal Data shall be deleted, destroyed, or anonymized.
  • “Integrity and confidentiality”: we handle Personal Data in a manner ensuring appropriate security, which include protection against unlawful Processing or accidental loss, destruction or damage.
  • “Accountability”: as data controller, we are responsible for proving compliance with the principles of the GDPR mentioned above.

2. What Personal Data we collect, how we collect it and what we do with the collected Personal Data

2.1. Purchasing the service

When Visitors of our Website place an order for a Website Speed-Up Audit, Complete Speed Optimization, or any other product or service, we gather their complete name, email address, billing address, IP address and credit card details through our payments processor SUMIT or through our Website. Subsequent to the purchase, we might request the User to grant us access to the specific site they wish to have serviced. To facilitate this, we may ask the User to provide temporary administrator access to their WordPress website for a restricted duration, utilizing either the WordPress plugin “Temporary Login Without Password” (available at or a standard WordPress administrator account. This administrator access is necessary to access more technical information and perform all the essential adjustments for the specific service provided.

Furthermore, under certain circumstances, we might request access to the WordPress databaseDatabase A database is a structured system for storing and managing information. In the context of WordPress, the database stores all site data, such as content, settings, and users. WordPress typically uses MySQL or MariaDB. to undertake distinct consultations or adjustments. To ensure additional security measures, we may also request either FTP access to the site or access to the hostingHosting Hosting is the service that allows you to store your website online so that others can access it. It's like renting a space on the internet to make your site available 24/7. control panel. This contingency is solely in place to address potential scenarios where access to the site is lost, thereby enabling us to enter the file system and initiate restoration procedures.

The legal ground for this Processing is the performance of a contract, in accordance with Art. 6 (1) b) GDPR.

2.2. Running the service

We process the Personal Data to take the necessary actions to offer our Users Accelera’s products (e.g. for the proper running of Website Speed-Up Audit and Complete Speed Optimization services, etc.), pursuant to Art. 6 (1) b) GDPR, for the performance of a contract and Art. 6 (1) f) GDPR, on the basis of our legitimate interest.

From the Users of our Website Speed-Up Audit and Complete Speed Optimization, we Process the following Personal Data: name and surname, email, website access and website technical information.

2.3. Customer support

The Personal Data is also Processed for offering support to Users, at their request, pursuant to Art. 6 (1) b) GDPR for the performance of a contract and to Art. 6 (1) f) GDPR, on the basis of our legitimate interest. In order to help our Users, we need to use their Personal Data for user identification, for debugging reasons and in order to communicate with the Users or Visitors that need assistance. For this purpose, we communicate with them by email. Through email we gather the following Personal Data: name, e-mail address and other information provided by the Users or Visitors during the support operations.

2.4. Marketing information

For transmission of commercial communications by electronic means, we use the Brevo service, a cloud software platform. In this regard, the following data may be Processed: name and surname, and e-mail address.

We also send newsletters to our Users about deals and promotions. Our marketing campaigns could promote other services as well, if we believe that they are compatible with our service, and that they could be useful for our Users.

The legal basis for this Processing is your consent, according to Art. 6 (a) GDPR and your legitimate interest, in accordance with Art. 6 (f) GDPR.

If you no longer wish to receive Accelera’s promotional communications, you may “opt-out” from receiving them by following the instructions included in each communication. Please note that the withdrawal and ensuing changes are valid only for the future and will be effective or, as it may be, implemented by no later than 48 hours from withdrawal. This is for reasons of a technical nature, which do not permit faster implementation.

2.5. Functional communications

We send emails to inform our Users about new features, service changes, interruptions of our service, possible errors or bugs. These messages are an important part of our communication with our Users.

Accelera may, but is not obliged, to send you strictly service-related announcements on rare occasions, when it is necessary to do so. For example, if our service is temporarily suspended for maintenance, we might send you an e-mail.

The legal basis for this Processing is the performance of the contract (consisting of the Website Terms & Conditions) according to Art. 6 (1) b) GDPR and our legitimate interest to organize the requests (Art. 6 (1) f) GDPR).

Generally, you may not opt-out of these communications since they are not promotional in nature. If you do not wish to receive them, you may have the option to remove your data altogether.

2.6. Blog management

We also Process Personal Data when we communicate with our blog readers and give them the opportunity to express certain points of view/questions. In this regard, we are using the services of Hetzner for hosting the blog (

For this scope, the following data may be Processed: name and surname (if available), profile picture (if available), comment content. The legal basis for this Processing lays in the performance of our Website’s Terms and Conditions (Art. 6 (1) letter b) GDPR), and in our legitimate interest to communicate, interact and receive feedback from you (Art. 6 (1) letter f) GDPR).

2.7. Cookies

At the same time, we use both session ID cookies and persistent cookies as part of our Website’s interaction with your browser. For more information on the use of cookies and when your prior consent is required, please refer to our Cookie Policy available at

3. Data recipients and data transfers

3.1. Data recipients

Services providers: We may employ third party companies and individuals to perform service-related activities. These Third Parties may access your Personal Data only to perform these tasks on our behalf and are compelled not to disclose or use it for any other purpose. Also, where these recipients qualify as data processors, they will be contractually bound to respect the same obligations in what regards the protection of Personal Data as that incumbent to us and shall implement adequate technical and organizational measures for the protection of Personal Data, at least at the same level as those implemented by the data controller.

Third Parties: Your Personal Data may be provided to governmental and regulatory agencies (e.g. tax authorities), courts or other governmental authorities, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation and in line with art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR, as well as to external consultants acting as data controllers (e.g. lawyers, accountants, auditors, etc.), based on art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR.

3.2. Data transfers

We may transfer your Personal Data abroad, both to countries located within the EU/EEA and to countries outside EU/EEA. For some of these countries located outside EU/EEA, the transfer of data is recognized by the European Commission as ensuring an adequate level of protection for the Personal Data, in accordance with art. 45 GDPR.

In what regards the recipients located in other countries, by executing Data Transfer Agreements based on Model Contractual Clauses (Decision of the European Commission no. 2010/87/EU and/or Decision of the European Commission no. 2004/915/EU), in accordance with art. 46 (5) GDPR or by using other adequate means for the transfer of Personal Data, we ensured that all such recipients offer an adequate level of protection for the Personal Data and that adequate technical and organizational measures have been implemented for the protection of Personal Data against unlawful destruction, loss, alteration or unauthorized disclosure.

4. How long do we keep your Personal Data?

The Personal Data provided by you to us is only stored for as long as it is required to perform the respective purpose for which you have transmitted your data, or inasmuch as it is required for conformity with statutory or official requirements.

Your Personal Data for taking the necessary actions to offer other Users our products are kept by us for additional 3 years as of the termination of our contractual relation.
We also keep your Personal Data for the duration of our contractual relation for providing you support services and for the purpose of offering you the possibility to formulate your requests to Accelera or regarding our products.

For commercial communications transmitted by electronic means, we keep your Personal Data until the moment of transmission of the communication or until you withdraw your consent, in case the request for transmission of commercial communications concerned recurrent communications.

We keep your Personal Data in relation to blogging activities during the existence of the blog or until the deletion of the comment by you. For the use of cookies for which your prior consent is required, please refer to our Cookie Policy available at

5. Links to other websites

Accelera’s website uses interfaces with social media websites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and others. If you choose to “like” or share information from the Website through these services, you should review the privacy policy of that service. If you are a member of a social media website, the interfaces may allow the social media website to connect your site visit to your Personal Data.

We are not responsible for the collection, usage and disclosure policies and practices of other organizations, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, or any other developer, provider, social media platform, operating system provider, wireless service provider, including any personal information you disclose to other organizations through or in connection with our social media functionalities, therefore we recommend you examine the privacy statements for all Third Party websites, to understand their procedures for collecting, using, and disclosing your Personal Data.

6. Data security

We have taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to guarantee data security, in particular to protect your Personal Data against access by Third Parties, as well as accidental or intentional modification, loss or destruction. Accelera stores the information it collects on computers located in a controlled, secure facility, protected from physical or electronic unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.

The Personal Data are kept in safe conditions in accessible electronic format, using the authentication systems of the internal domain, access rights for each User for the allocated resources and in printed format.

Accelera protects the privacy and integrity of the information it collects by employing appropriate administrative protocols, technical safeguards, and physical security controls, designed to limit access, detect and prevent the unauthorized access, improper disclosure, alteration, or destruction of the information under its control. Accelera transmits the information used by its external service providers for the specific outsourced operations listed above, across public and private networks via recognized encryption technologies, such as by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software, which encrypts the information you input.

7. Rights of our users regarding the Personal Data

Pursuant to the legal requirements established by GDPR, Data Subjects have specific legal rights relating to the Personal Data we collect from them, as follows:

• Right to withdraw consent: Where you have given consent for the Processing of your Personal Data, you may withdraw your consent at any moment.

• Right to rectification: You may obtain from us rectification of Personal Data concerning you. We make reasonable efforts to keep Personal Data in our possession or control which are used on an ongoing basis, accurate, complete, current, and relevant, based on the most recent information available to us.

• Right to restriction: You may obtain from us restriction of Processing of your Personal Data, if you contest the accuracy of your Personal Data and the legal requirements for the exercising of this right are met.

• Right to access: You may ask from us information regarding Personal Data that we hold about you, including information as to which categories of Personal Data we have in our possession or control, what are used for, where we collected them, if not from you directly, and to whom they have been disclosed, if applicable. We may have to charge you with a reasonable fee should you request further copies of your Personal Data.

• Right to portability: You have the right to receive your Personal Data that you have provided to us, and, where technically feasible, request that we transmit your Personal Data (that you have provided to us) to another organization,

• Right to object: You may object, at any time, to the Processing of your Personal Data due to your particular situation, provided that the Processing is not based on your consent but on our legitimate interests or those of a Third Party. In this event we shall no longer Process your Personal Data, unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds and an overriding interest for the Processing or for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.

• Right to erasure: You have the right to request that we delete the Personal Data we Process about you. Please note that the deletion of Personal Data can lead to the termination of the service we provide due to technical reasons.

• The right to fill a complaint with the national authority: For us, your Personal Data is important, and we try to take all the necessary steps to protect it and to respect your rights. You have the right to fill a complaint at the National Authority for the Supervision of Personal Data Processing.

If you have any questions about our security on its Website, please feel free to contact us.

8. Interned fraud

Accelera has a zero tolerance policy for Internet fraud or any attempt to access or acquire Users or other information on its Website via illegal or surreptitious means. Accelera works with local, national, and international fraud investigation agencies and employs a variety of electronic and other means to discourage, detect, and intercept fraudulent activities.

9. Children’s privacy

Accelera’s Website is not intended for or directed to persons under the age of 18. Accelera does not buy or sell products or services from or to children. Any person who provides their information to Accelera through our Website attests that they are 18 years of age or older.

If we become aware that a child under the age of 18 has provided us with personally identifiable data, we will delete such information from our servers/databases.

10. Changes to this privacy statement

Accelera will update this Privacy Policy as needed and notify Users and Visitors of material changes to this statement. Data Subject’s use of the Website after such changes have been made constitutes his agreement to such changes.

11. How to contact us

If you have any general questions regarding the Services or the information that we collect about you and how we use it, please contact us at:

12. Information about us

The data controller for the processing of personal data through the website is Gerard Blanco Capell and can be contacted at:

  • VAT exempt dealer number 336407978
  • Address: HaPrachim 2, Ramat HaSharon, 4723116, Israel
  • Email:

Appendix 1 – Accelera Data Protection Addendum

This Data Processing Addendum (“DPA”) is concluded between you (“User” or “you”) and Accelera and it regulates the data processing activities performed within your use of Accelera services. Unless otherwise defined in this DPA or in other applicable agreements (i.e. Terms of Use – the “Agreement”), all capitalised terms used in this DPA will have the meaning given to them in Section 2 of this DPA.

1. Scope

This DPA applies to the processing operations performed on User data for the provision of Accelera services. In this context, Accelera will act as a data processor to User.

2. Definitions

The capitalized terms which are not otherwise defined in this DPA shall have the meaning below:

  • “Personal Data” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (hereinafter referred to as “Data Subject”); an identifiable person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identification number or to one or more factors specific to his physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity;
  • “Personal Data Breach” means a breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, Personal Data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed;
  • “Processing” shall mean any operation or set of operations which is performed on Personal Data or on sets of Personal Data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction;
  • “Controller” means the entity determining the purposes and means of the Personal Data processing;
  • “Processor” means the entity acting under the authority and instructions of the controller;
  • “Data Protection Authority” or “DPA” means a supervisory authority controlling the processing of Personal Data because: (a) the Controller or Processor is established on the territory of the Member State of that supervisory authority; (b) Data Subjects residing in the Member State of that supervisory authority are substantially affected or likely to be substantially affected by the Processing; or (c) a complaint has been lodged with that supervisory authority;
  • “Data Protection Officer” or “DPO” shall mean the person designated by the Controller or the Processor in compliance with Article 37 of the GDPR;
  • “Transfer of Personal Data” shall mean any transfer of Personal Data from an entity to another entity. A transfer can be carried out via any communication, copy, transfer or disclosure of Personal Data through a network, including remote access to a database or transfer from one medium to another, whatever the type of medium (for instance from a computer hard disk to a server).

3. Obligations of the Processor

3.1. General obligations

The Processor shall:

  • comply with all obligations incumbent upon the data processors, as provided by the GDPR and the Relevant Data Protection Legislation;
  • comply with the documented Controller’s instructions, in particular without limitation those instructions which are necessary to ensure the Controller is in compliance with the GDPR and the Relevant Data Protection Legislation;
  • process the Personal Data solely in order to perform its obligations under the Agreement, only pursuant to the terms and conditions of this DPA and/or in accordance with the instructions of the Controller, except where the Processor is required to have a specific conduct pursuant to GDPR or the Relevant Data Protection Legislation.
  • promptly inform the Controller i) of its inability to comply with the provisions of the DPA and/or ii) if, in its opinion, an instruction of the Controller infringes the GDPR or any other Relevant Data Protection Legislation; and
  • provide the Controller with the contact details of the Processor’s Data Protection Officer, should such Data Protection Officer is appointed in compliance with Article 37 of the GDPR.

3.2. Security and confidentiality obligations

The Processor shall preserve the security and confidentiality of the Personal Data and implement all adequate measures to ensure the level of security of the Controller’s Personal Data are appropriate.

The Processor undertakes to implement all reasonably necessary and appropriate technical and organizational measures using generally accepted state-of-the-art technology to protect the Personal Data it processes under the Agreement against unauthorized or accidental access, alteration, transmission, disclosure, deletion or destruction.

The Processor shall review and adapt such measures regularly to comply with the state of the art and applicable regulations, namely security measures necessary to ensure the conservation and integrity of the Personal Data processed during the performance of the Contract (for instance to secure the access to computers, to install antivirus, to perform regular backups on removable media and to increase the employees and suppliers’ awareness to security measures);

Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Processor shall comply with the following obligations and shall ensure that its employees and/or its suppliers will also comply with them:

  • The Processor shall process the Personal Data only in accordance with the Controller’s instructions and to the extent such processing is necessary to carry out the Processor’s obligations in connection with the performance of the Agreement;
  • The Processor will not use the Personal Data for any other purposes, nor will the Processor retain this data for any longer than required by the Controller;
  • The Processor will only use personnel who: (i) has a need to process the Personal Data in order to fulfill the Processor’s obligations under the Agreement, (ii) has entered into a confidentiality agreement; (iii) has received adequate training regarding the protection of Personal Data and (iv) has been informed of any special data protection requirements arising from this DPA and of the limitation of the use of the Personal Data for specific purposes as instructed. The Processor also undertakes to communicate to the Data Controller, upon request, the list of persons so entitled;
  • The Personal Data shall not be disclosed to any Third Party, whether individual or legal person, public or private entity without prior approval of the Controller (in such case the Processor shall maintain a record of any disclosure of Personal Data to a Third Party and make such report available to the Controller, promptly upon request);
  • The Processor is not allowed to make copies or duplicate of the Personal Data without the prior written consent of the Controller, unless such copies or duplicates are necessary for the fulfillment of its obligations under the Agreement.

3.3. Personal Data breach notification

The Processor shall notify the Controller of any Personal Data Breach without undue delay and in writing after it becomes aware of such Personal Data Breach. Such notification shall at least contain the following information:

  • the nature of the Personal Data Breach including where possible, the data categories and approximate number of Data Subjects concerned and the categories and approximate number of Personal Data records concerned;
  • the name and contact details of the Data Protection Officer or other contact point where additional information can be obtained;
  • a description of the likely consequences of the Personal Data Breach;
  • a description of the measures taken or proposed to be taken to address the Personal Data Breach, including, where appropriate, measures to mitigate its possible adverse effects.

Where, and in so far as, it is not possible to provide the information at the same time, the information may be provided in phases without undue further delay.

The Processor also undertakes to provide the Controller with reasonable assistance and co-operation to notify the Personal Data Breach to the competent Data Protection Authority and to communicate such Personal Data Breach to the Data Subjects, in compliance with Articles 33 and 34 of the GDPR and any Relevant Data Protection Legislation.

The Processor shall design and implement procedures for managing and reporting such Personal Data Breach to the Controller.

3.4. Exercise of Data Subjects’ rights

The Processor shall provide the Controller, taking into account the nature of the Processing, with reasonable assistance and co-operation, to allow the Controller to respond (i) to requests presented by Data Subjects for exercising their rights, or (ii) to requests of the competent Data Protection Authorities in relation with the Processing of Personal Data. In particular, the Processor shall implement appropriate technical and organisational measures in order to promptly satisfy in writing, within 5 working days, any request for information from the Controller.

The Processor may only grant access to, correct, delete, block, restrict the Processing of, or communicate to the Data Subject the Personal Data processed on behalf of the Controller in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, when instructed to do so by the Controller.

If a Data Subject would send directly a request or a complaint to the Processor, the Processor shall forward this request or complaint to the Controller without undue delay.

3.5. Subcontracting

The Processor may disclose, assign, or otherwise communicate Personal Data to any subcontractor (whether located within the EU or outside the EU) when necessary for providing the services for the User.

The Processor shall impose on its subcontractor by way of a contract or other legal act, the same legal requirements as the Processor itself undertakes under the DPA, in particular the obligation to provide sufficient guarantees in relation with the Processing by implementing appropriate technical and organizational measures. Where the subcontractor fails to fulfil its data protection obligations, the Processor shall remain fully liable towards the Controller for the performance of that subcontractor’s obligations.

3.6. Transfers of Personal Data outside the EEA

The Processor undertakes to:

  1. only carry out Transfers of Personal Data outside the EEA when necessary for providing the services to the User.
  2. ensure that its own subcontractors, the persons acting under the authority or on behalf of the Processor, do not carry out any Transfer of Personal Data concerning Controller’s Personal Data information outside the EEA unless required for the provision of the services;
  3. if the Processor appoints a subcontractor, located outside the EEA, the Processor shall also ensure, before any Transfer of Personal Data, that the transfer will be carried out in compliance with the GDPR and the Relevant Data Protection Legislation (for instance, by ensuring that the EU Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the EU Commission on February, 10, 2010 (c2010/0593) will be signed by the subcontractor, if the latter is located in a country which does not provide for an adequate level of protection of Personal Data).

4. Documentation and audit rights of the controller

The Controller is entitled acces to the relevant documentation regarding audits performed by the Processor. Any issues, errors or irregularities that are identified, and brought to the Processor’s attention, will be promptly remedied by the Processor without delay. The Processor will assist the Controller with any data protection audits or controls enforced by a Data Protection Authority or other competent public authority if these audits or controls concern data Processing within the scope of the DPA.

5. Retention, return or deletion of data

During the execution of the Agreement, the Processor undertakes to implement adequate technical and organizational measures to comply with data retention periods applicable to Controller’s Personal Data processed under the Agreement where requested by the Controller.

Upon termination of the Agreement, the Processor shall at the Controller’s request, either (i) return all Personal Data processed and the copies thereof to the Controller or (ii) destroy all the Personal Data.

6. Liability and indemnification

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 82 of GDPR, Processor shall indemnify, defend and hold the Controller harmless from any and all any claims asserted by any Data Subject, Data Protection Authority or any Third Party with respect to a breach of any of the Processor’s obligations under this Agreement, to the extent the Processor is responsible for the event giving rise to any such claim.

7. Termination

This DPA shall automatically terminate upon the termination of the Agreement.

In the event the Processor is in breach of any of its obligations under this DPA, the Controller may:

  1. suspend the transfer of Personal Data to the Processor until the breach is repaired to the Controller’s reasonable satisfaction or the Agreement is terminated; or
  2. terminate the Agreement.

By adhering to the provisions of the agreement, the terms of this DPA are also deemed accepted by the Controller and will regulate the data processing activities performed for the scope of the Agreement.